Ever wondered what reading feels like? Wanna start reading books but confused about whether it'll be fun or not? Today I'll tell you what reading feels like and how I got into reading.

Book reading is an immersive experience. The reader gets involved very deeply. 

As you read your mind creates images so that you get the basic idea of what's happening. And the details in this image are just fantastic. Because a book always provides detailed information.

I always prefer books over movies. I don't know why but I always forget the scenes from a movie but never from a book. 

I haven't watched Harry Potter, Game of Thrones yet and I don't think I should, because I have read them.

Books have many advantages over movies. 

You cannot convey a person's thoughts in a movie directly, you have to understand it through their expressions. And I, like many people out there, don't get much idea through expressions.

Another advantage is you never get a level of suspense like books in a movie. For instance: Dan Brown's Deception Point :

You keep on reading and think that so and so person died. But later on to your surprise you realize that he didn't die, he didn't even get a scar, rather it turns out that he was the killer.

See that's the fun of books. Once you get into it there's no coming out.

Now as to how I got into reading.

I was never much into reading myself. But my 4th grade changed everything.

I won a government scholarship which our school hadn't won in the past eight years. So the teachers were quite excited about it.

Now, what happened was that they felicitated me……' with a book '... I was like "Seriously! This is how you congratulate a 4th grader?

I took it anyways. When I look back today, I feel that was the best thing in my life.

[Special note: I have never fallen in love with someone so I don't know if it's special or rather better than books. So as of now, that is the best thing of my life.]

I still remember it was this book that they gave me.

And now this book was just lying on my table. The other items slowly began to gulp it underneath. I saw it every day but never thought of even picking it up. But as the vacations came I got bored and I finally grabbed it and then……

It turned out to be interesting. So I kept on reading. One hour at first then two hours and later on it went to such a level that my parents would say - will you please stop reading?

I would just keep on reading and won't respond to anyone.

I soon finished the book. After that, I was in love with Enid Blyton's works. I did everything to get her works. I borrowed every single one of her books from the school library. 

Even my next birthday gift was three books.

But that didn't curb my hunger for books. To my surprise, it increased. Now I wanted more and more books. And meanwhile, another interesting thing took place.

My grandpa told me, he would give me anything if I won the scholarship again.
And there was the key to satisfy my hunger. 

The popular e-reader, kindle, was my dream. But my parents weren't giving it to me because it was a bit costly. So this was a golden opportunity to get it.

Make hay while the sun shines. I got this chance and I snatched it. Soon I won the scholarship. The moment I knew this I was happy like hell. I immediately went to grandpa and soon got the e-reader.

But the interesting part is that I got a book: Origin by Dan Brown free with the kindle. That changed my reading life forever. 

After reading that one I realized that there can be much higher levels of suspense than what I was used to. Then I started reading more and more. 

I read Harry Potter, Dan Brown's books, Game of Thrones, and many more. Believe me, these three are the best collections I have ever read. I'll discuss these in my upcoming posts, each one individually.

This is how I got into reading.

But since then life has never been the same. I never get bored. Just grab a book and time is a blur.

So I would suggest you to start reading and experience the wonder. Reading a book is like experiencing the moment through the character. 

It's so deep that we don't even sense the time going by. Plus reading is the ultimate key to knowledge.

So grab a book and a coffee (probably Dalgona, as its trending now) and get along.

If you read any of the authors or books that I mentioned, let me know in the comments section.

Not got anyone to talk about books? Just smash that Instagram button right there on the menu and get talking with me. 

[And you can recommend books too as I am always hungry for books]